C-CUE History

C-CUE is the outgrowth of the Benedum Regional College Computer Enrichment Program formed at Carnegie-Mellon University in the mid 1980s. Jean Dexheimer, then Assistant Vice President for Academic Computing at CMU, sought and obtained a grant to organize an educational computing association of small, regional, undergraduate, teaching-oriented colleges and universities. With the financial support of the Claude W. Benedum Foundation and other grants, the consortium maintained a central office staff and provided many services to member institutions.

During 1990 and 1991, the C-CUE Governing Board discussed at length the future of C-CUE as well as the services the organization provides for its members. These discussions were very instrumental in helping us identify and chart a new direction for C-CUE.

As a result of these discussions, a unanimous vote in February 1992 changed the structure of C-CUE to a non-staffed, member-driven, professional organization. This was not an easy decision, but the Board recognized it as necessary.

At the April 1992 meeting, the Governing Board again voted unanimously to incorporate as a non-profit organization and apply for tax exempt status under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. On July 2, 1992, C-CUE became The Consortium for Computing in Undergraduate Education, Inc. Application for recognition as a tax exempt organization was subsequently filed with the IRS and the status was obtained.

C-CUE's primary goal is to continue providing professional services at the same level our institutions have always received, and to gradually expand those services to meet the information technology needs of our faculties and institutions today. As a member-driven organization, the administration of our programs is now in the hands of the Governing Board members. Among these programs are a resource directory of C-CUE members, an institutional database, an electronic version of the On-CUE publication, the vendor discount agreement program, and consulting/assessments of both member and non-member institutions.

Four Governing Board meetings were held in the 1992-93 academic year. Each included faculty workshops and presentations in addition to corporate business meetings. As always, meetings will continue to be held at member schools.

In the past year C-CUE once again reviewed the strengths and opportunities of the consortial membership and continues to chart a course of collaboration among the member schools. C-CUE, Inc. applauds the Claude W. Benedum Foundation and Mr. David Wagner for their considerable support over the years. With their assistance the Governing Board asserts C-CUE has achieved the primary goals set forth in 1984 by elevating the level of computing on member campuses, establishing a series of programs which will continue to enhance the educational process at our member institutions, and evolving into a self-supporting, member-driven organization.