
Application for Membership 

C-CUE is a self-supporting, member-operated, non-profit organization. In keeping with this philosophy, membership fees are very low. The commitment by a member institution includes the involvement in the governance of C-CUE, the encouraging of participation by faculty members and institutional technology support personnel, and the hosting of meetings. All regional institutions whose primary interest is in undergraduate education are invited to apply for membership in C-CUE. Membership is maintained on an annual basis, with the fiscal year beginning on July 1.

Responsibilities of Membership

The President of each C-CUE member institution designates a representative to serve on the Governing Board, which meets four times per year.  All Governing Board members are eligible to serve on the Executive Committee, which consists of five elected officers.

Each meeting is hosted by a member institution and consists of a program centered around a topic involving educational computing which would interest and draw faculty and institutional technology support personnel from the visiting member institutions. Member schools may send as many attendees as they wish without charge.

The Governing Board and Executive Committee also meet at these sessions. These meetings are not open to the public.

Benefits Include:

Requests for membership should be sent to:

C-CUE President by email at